Case Study: Source Code Control

Protecting Businesses From Cyber Threats With Source Code Control.

Source Code Control Limited offers various services to help organisations manage software supply chains, whether they’re technology companies producing software or end-user organisations acquiring it. As independent advisors, they provide recommendations that are free from third-party influence and tailored to the specific needs of businesses worldwide.

We used our expertise in B2B telemarketing and appointment setting to generate high-quality leads for Source Code Control. Our campaign aimed to increase awareness of their products and G-Cloud while generating interest in their new cybersecurity product trials.

To ensure success, we conducted several initial meetings to fully understand their business and accurately represent their brand. During our onboarding process, we trained our team on all necessary details, including the pitch, the benefits of their service, and the appointment-setting process. This thorough preparation enabled us to deliver outstanding results.

The Challenges:

Objection:  I don’t need this.

We often find that many organisations underestimate the importance of taking advantage of checking investigating any traces of their business on the dark web.  our services. For many prospects, the challenge was getting the message across that we weren’t just another innovative tech company. We wanted to give something back, and that was a report that offered invaluable insights and protection. Additionally, we offered free trials so prospects could see first-hand how our solutions could be of benefit.

Objection: We do this already.

We recognised the demands concerning time and resources for prospects. We therefore leaned on price, and positioned that the cost to implement sophisticated cyber security tools was the same as paying for a train ticket. As a result, we could conduct all the heavy lifting of cybersecurity, providing proactive alerting and comprehensive coverage. We also promoted the fact that investing in this services not only protected the organisation but also free up valuable time for other critical tasks.

Objection: I need to pass on to someone else.

We promoted our free trial slots, whilst creating FOMO by mentioning our slots were limited. This reduced the potential of being passed along different individuals, and instead deal with the main decision maker. This encouraged them to seize the opportunity to discover what information existed about their organisation. Furthermore, we pointed our that we only needed approval, a domain name, and a few keywords to conduct our thorough search.

Objection: Is this difficult or complicated?

We addressed concerns about complexity head-on by simplifying cybersecurity from the outside-in. We created a picture for prospects of what a hacker’s perspective looks like. We explained how our processes including; hosted software, domain scanning, internet-facing devices, and both the visible web and dark web. Overall, the seamless integration and proactive protection, helped make cybersecurity accessible and effective for all.

The Lead Generation Company Solution

At The Lead Generation Company, we excel at overcoming gatekeepers with our specialised expertise and up-to-date B2B databases.

Once we secure access to decision-makers, we leverage our comprehensive telemarketing strategies to raise brand awareness, and nurture leads effectively for Source Code Control. Aligning closely with Source Code Control’s branding guidelines, we deployed customised email templates that were tailored for new prospects. Our process meticulously followed the BANT system, ensuring that every lead met critical criteria: Budget, Authority, Need, and Timescales.

For Source Code Control’s campaign, we meticulously curated B2B data profiles based on their agreed Ideal Customer Profile (ICP): sector, company size, geographic region, and job titles including; Cyber Security Manager, Information Security Manager, and Compliance Manager, among others. Our focus is on securing meetings with influencers or decision-makers, such as Chief Information Security Officers or Directors of Cyber Security, aligning with Source Code Control’s preferences. We actively manage scheduling, sending out invitations and monitoring responses daily.

Transparency is foundational; we therefore maintained clear communication with Source Code Control through detailed monthly reports and regular update calls. Our reports included comprehensive statistics on calls made, contacts established, market feedback, objections addressed, and any relevant issues, ensuring Source Code Control remained informed and confident throughout our long-term partnership.

source code control

What the client said…

“Excellent service from Ryan, James and the team. I found TLGC to be flexible on approach, structured and good at detail. Bookings with customers were always checked and they regularly learned themselves better ways to position.”

Paul McAdam
Source Code Control


We are thrilled that our long-term partnership with Source Code Control delivered the results they were seeking. The quantity and quality of leads matched their Ideal Customer Profile perfectly, leading to numerous successful trials and significantly strengthening their sales pipeline.

By consistently aligning our strategies with their goals, we were able to generate high-quality leads that converted into valuable opportunities. Our collaboration not only boosted awareness of their products but also drove interest in their new cybersecurity offerings.

Seeing the tangible impact of our efforts on Source Code Control’s growth and success has been incredibly rewarding. We look forward to continuing this successful partnership and driving even more exceptional results in the future.

If you are looking for a lead generation partner to help you smash your sales, our talented staff will be the perfect fit for you. At the Lead Generation Company, we have a highly skilled team of B2B telemarketers who live and breathe great sales.

With 11+ years of Lead Generation experience, we have the necessary life experience to talk to our leads in an authoritative and professional manner, and we use structured conversations instead of scripts so we are extremely responsive and agile in responding to your prospects’ needs. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help your business!