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The Best B2B Lead Generation Strategies For Your Company’s Website

In modern times, it’s more difficult than ever to use different sales methods which allow your business to stand out from competitors. So many businesses use the same monotonous sales techniques which do nothing but damage their companies reputation. Using the standard sales techniques are far more likely to turn people off your business than utilising unique sales methods. You want people to think that your business offers a different service offering than your competitors. The reality is that first impressions count, and using a unique sales technique can help your business grab potential clients attention and see your business have far more success at converting leads into clients. This is where B2B lead generation strategies can help.

b2b lead generation

B2B Lead Generation Strategies

There are various B2B lead generation strategies which can help businesses to increase the number of leads they have within their business. Generating leads is an essential component of any business. It’s essential that leads are generated on a regular basis and they are high quality and likely to turn into a client. A failure to ensure the leads your business is attracting are high quality is likely to not only waste your time but also the prospects time. Utilising unique sales techniques can have a profound impact on the quality of the leads that your company is generating.

High-Quality Leads

There are numerous different strategies that businesses can use in order to generate high quality leads for your business. Some strategies which companies implement are not your typical lead generation techniques which you would think businesses would implement to try and increase more leads for their businesses. Some of the most efficient lead generation strategies are highlighted in more detail below.

Person Using Laptop Computer

Email Marketing Campaigns

Automated email marketing campaigns can have a hugely beneficial impact on the number of leads generated by your business. Automated marketing campaigns don’t take much time to set up, but can achieve fantastic results. If you have an automated marketing campaign which is being sent to around 4000 people, and 1 percent of respondents reply asking for more information, you have just generated 40 leads for your business. Other than drafting up the initial plan for your email which is to be sent out, once this is published you don’t need to do anymore work other than responding to enquiries. That’s the beauty of an automated emailing system, people think that you’re sending them an individual email which you have crafted yourself but you’re able to work on other things while the machine generates leads for you.

SEO Implementation

Lead generation strategies can be hugely complemented by investment in your companies SEO. SEO is focussed on increasing the amount of website traffic your business is getting. Obviously, an increase in website traffic can be very useful with regards to the generation of leads. Ensuring your website’s titles and meta descriptions are efficiently optimised will ensure that more people who are looking for your businesses services will be able to navigate their way to your website.

Going through the process of ensuring your website’s SEO performance is as good as possible can be critical with regards to the overall success of any lead generation campaigns you undertake. If your website isn’t user friendly, and it isn’t optimised correctly this can see your site missing out on some high-quality traffic. Having an SEO audit conducted on your site will flag up all existing issues on the site as well as ensuring that any issues which are preventing your business from converting traffic on the site into leads.

b2b lead generation

Introduce A Referral Structure

By introducing a referral structure into your business, you can see considerably more leads being generated for your business. Having a sound referral system which has an attractive incentive for clients introducing their friends or contacts can rapidly grow your businesses network. By offering incentives to new clients for referring their network you can have new clients essentially acting as salesmen for your company who are trying to gain a financial reward for themselves by directing new business in your company’s direction.

Re-Engagement Strategies

Ensuring your business has a comprehensive marketing strategy is essential in order to maintain a high level of brand visibility. Having your brand marketed appropriately online is essential in order for businesses to be capable of generating consistent high quality leads for themselves. Your business has the opportunity to bring dead leads back to life, and that is through retargeting strategies. There will have been people who will have visited your website, been interested in your services and prices but have not submitted an enquiry. These individuals being exposed to your brand at a later date can prompt them to return to your website and gives them a second opportunity to submit an enquiry to your business. Retargeting can be an incredibly rewarding marketing technique for businesses to use to get their brand back in front of previous prospects.

Gentle Reminders

Remarketing can be done through various different channels. Social media is arguably the most successful platform for retargeting. Social media is an excellent way to retarget past prospects without being ‘in their face’ about your brand’s offering. Subtle and ‘easy on the eye’ graphics about your business can prompt a positive emotional response in people who have previously been exposed to your brand and increase the likelihood of them revisiting your website and enquiring. A gentle reminder like this can be the difference between a prospect forgetting about your company’s existence or starting a new business relationship. Essentially, a gentle reminder such as this can result in thousands of pounds for your business.

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Social Media Campaigns

Social media is a staple of nearly every marketers daily activities. If your brand doesn’t have a notable presence on social media this is a serious issue which needs to be resolved. Having a presence on social media can be a critical factor for some individuals with regards to determining how established your brand is. Some companies place more importance on social media than others, but there can be very little doubt when used efficiently it can be a fantastic lead generation tool. 

Many Different Platforms

The beauty of social media targeting is that there are various channels which can be utilised through lead generation strategies to target different audiences. Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can be excellent for increasing brand awareness and visibility. However, with regards to B2B lead generation Linkedin is undoubtedly the most effective platform to use. Linkedin is a professional platform designed for networking amongst the business community. Utilising paid ads on Linkedin can see your target audience being exposed to your brand which is likely to increase the amount of leads your company generates. Sometimes, a gentle nudge on Linkedin can be the difference between somebody enquiring for your services, or forgetting about your brand altogether. 

Content Marketing Strategies

Numerous studies have suggested that around 75% of internet users will conduct their own information search on the benefits of a product or service prior to purchasing it. People now like to find out more information about the services they are purchasing prior to parting with their money. This is particularly relevant to B2B buyers who prefer to educate themselves at the beginning of their buying process. This highlights the importance of your website providing informative content on your website to encourage more people onto your website to learn about the benefits of your products or services. An effective content marketing strategy can hugely benefit your business as a direct result of a significant increase in the amount of organic traffic coming to your site.

Modernise Old Content

There can be little doubt that you will have dedicated time in the past to producing content for your website. There is every chance that this content may now be outdated. Revisiting this old content and rejuvenating it to ensure that it looks current can be a key factor in keeping people engaged with your website. If visitors to your site are stumbling upon old content which is no longer relevant this can put people off your brand. Keeping all of the content on your website up to date is vital to showcase that your brand is current.

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Move Away From Standard Blog Posts

Standard blog posts on websites certainly do play a role with regards to improving a company’s SEO performance. However, creating informative articles which go into significant detail on various aspects of your products or services can have a hugely positive impact on the amount of visitors to your site. Posts onto your website which are informative and help potential clients to learn more information are likely to increase the amount of time individuals spend on your site. This will have a positive impact on your website’s rankings on Google which will increase the amount of potential leads visiting your site. Not to mention the positive impact which in-depth posts will have on potential buyers as you will increase the credibility of your business.

Providing Insight Has It’s Benefits

People are tired of being sold to. Throughout people’s daily lives they are now constantly being exposed to adverts. As a result, people have become numb to brands being thrown in their faces on a regular basis. Therefore, providing engaging content on your website is likely to have a much more profound impact on whether or not they would consider using your services or not. If you can provide valuable insight into specific services you offer and how they benefit your clients this may encourage these visitors to your website to submit an enquiry and look to start a business relationship.

Personalising Your Landing Pages

Adjusting your landing pages to suit the traffic which is landing on your site is something which can have a hugely beneficial impact on your companies performance. On a regular basis firms will fail to fully appreciate the need for their business to invest in adapting their pages to suit the different types of visitors to their site. Failure to do so may result in high quality leads being lost which can severely damage the company as a whole.


Implementing B2B lead generation strategies to great success is far easier said than done. It is vital that your business ensures there are specific processes for every aspect of your lead generation campaign. A failure to properly plan can result in communication breakdowns within the marketing campaign itself. This can make it harder for prospects to appreciate the value that your company can potentially bring to them. However, by introducing the above changes to your website it can compliment lead generation campaigns drastically and hugely increase the amount of enquiries your business receives. A successful lead generation campaign has many moving parts, and ensuring you cover all bases is of paramount importance to result in a profitable campaign.