Effective B2B lead generation strategies follow some lead generation best practices. At The Lead Generation Company, we name them the “the 3 do’s and the 3 don’ts of B2B lead generation”. To help our followers achieve greater results from their B2B marketing activities, we are listing those do’s and don’ts here.
The 3 Do’s
Do: Put Yourself in the Shoes of Your Target Audience
The golden rule of any marketing activity is to understand the customer. Determine who your customers are, what they are looking for, and how you can stimulate them to make a purchase to make your B2B marketing strategies more successful. Do tailor your pitch!
Do: Follow-up Promptly
One of the most effective ways to get more B2B leads is to make follow-up call immediately after a marketing activity. For example, if your company participated in a tradeshow, you may consider making a follow-up call to prospects the very next day to convert your leads into customers. Do keep your leads hot!
Do: Nurture Your Leads
B2B lead generation can take time to create a healthy pipeline. Only a certain percentage of your leads are likely to make a purchase immediately, for the rest of them, you need to develop nurturing plans. Keep reminding them about the benefits of your products or services through occasional emails or phone calls. This way, when they are ready to make a purchase, your product or service is the obvious option to them. Do keep on top of your pipeline!
The 3 Don’ts
Don’t: Deliver Cold Facts and Numbers in Your Selling Message
The art of selling a product or service to a B2B buyer is to craft a message that not only presents the business benefits, but also sparks that human emotion that can drive a B2B sale. Most B2B marketers rely solely on facts and figures and end up crafting a boring message that cannot stimulate the B2B buyer to make a purchase. Don’t be cold!
Don’t: Spam the Newsfeed or Inbox of Your Prospects
Once you have the email addresses or profile links of your prospects, determine what will be the appropriate frequency to stay in touch with them. Too much is a turn off. Don’t send several messages in a day or they will end up marking your emails as spam. Don’t be nuisance!
Don’t: Forget to Include a Call-to-Action
Make sure that your website contains detailed contact information, including your email address, contact number, and postal address. Also, when you’re running a telemarketing campaign, consider how best to maximise opportunities – follow the call with an email, a follow on Twitter, a LinkedIn invite etc. And suggest how you move your discussion / the opportunity along. Do make it personal!
The Lead Generation Company
Would you like to know more about B2B lead generation through telemarketing? The Lead Generation Company can help you get more pre-qualified leads and revenue through our effective telemarketing techniques. To know more about our products and services, contact us today at 0333 344 3470, email info@theleadgenerationcompany.co.uk
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